Ongoing professional development is so important for early childhood educators. It allows for learning new research and trends, sharing, and networking with other professionals. Learning is never complete in order to provide the best for children and be an advocate for their well-being and development.
Corresponding Family Engagement Workshops Available
Strategies for Increasing Emotional Intelligence (K1.4)
Childcare practitioners will learn the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and its connection to success and happiness in life. Teachers and staff will learn five parts of EQ and specific activities and tools for use in the classroom in order to support the development of social and emotional learning.
Learning Objectives; Upon completion, the student will be able to:
- Explain what Emotional Intelligence is and behaviors associated with high vs low EQ.
- Discuss functions of the parts of the brain that are connected to emotion and corresponding behaviors.
- Define five parts of EQ and the importance of each in social emotional development.
- Implement daily individual and group activities/tools/methods related to increasing children’s emotional intelligence.
Develop a Growth Mindset in Children (K1.4)
Develop a Growth Mindset in the children you teach and they will become children that love to learn, get excited about new challenges, and do not fear failure. Children that fear failure often end up becoming protected from failing by well-intended caregivers. Instead, a resilient, strong child has developed a Growth Mindset. Learn how to make that happen!
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this training, students will be able to:
- Identify their own level of mindset, whether predominately growth or fixed in order to deepen understanding of the difference.
- Identify the impact of brain development and its influence on one’s ability to take risks and not fear failure, and create habits as a result of practice and effort
- Identify ways to praise that develops a growth mindset in children.
Mindfulness Matters (K1.4)
Childcare practitioners will learn what mindfulness is and why so important in today’s world. They will also learn specific ways to help children train their mind to be calm and focused and what the outcome will be from consistently applying these techniques in the classroom.
Learning Objectives; Upon completion, the student will be able to:
- Describe what mindfulness is and why so important in today’s world.
- Implement ways to help children train their mind to be calm and focused.
- Discuss outcomes to expect from consistently applying these techniques.
Positive Discipline (K1.7)
This ‘Positive Discipline’ course teaches how to create a classroom where children feel connected to the teacher and to the other children. When this connection is in place, children are less likely to misbehave. Specific methods and techniques are shared as to how to create a connected environment. This course also teaches how to guide young people to become responsible and respectful members of their classroom. By learning effective communication and problem solving skills, the classroom becomes a more peaceful and supportive place.
Learning Objectives; Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain why children individually misbehave and demonstrate through questioning what underlying factors produce certain behaviors.
- Modify their environment to include a Time IN space that contains materials such as paper and crayons, puzzles, books to take time to calm big emotions.
- Begin each day with an individualized connecting activity that has been taught.
Helping Children Handle Anxiety and Stress (K1.4)
The number of children that have high levels of anxiety and stress is on the rise. As someone that has influence on these children, learn ways to help the child and increase the positive climate for all children in your care.
Learning Objectives Students will be able to:
1. Explain how specific parts of the brain function and how this creates the condition of worry and anxiety in all people. Ways to help children then handle/manage this ‘worry’ condition will be taught.
2. Discuss causes of anxiety in children and the nature vs nurture theory.
3. Explain the symptoms of anxiety in children and what is normal anxiety and what is not and the language/techniques that help give the child the tools to handle anxiety and stress.
Importance of Connecting With Positive Interactions
Teachers are challenged by behaviors recently seen in their classrooms. This often results in teacher burnout and low morale. Learn how to create a classroom where both the teacher and the children practice self-regulation techniques. Through reflection and assessment activities, participants will apply knowledge learned during this course.
Learning Objectives Students will be able to:
- Understand and value each child as an individual with unique developmental variations, experiences, strengths, interests, abilities, challenges, and approaches to learning, and with the capacity to make choices.
- Understand and demonstrate positive, caring, supportive relationships and interactions as the foundation of early childhood educators’ work with young children.
7 Warning Signs a Child is Experiencing Unhealthy Stress (K1.4)
Change is happening everywhere for children-school, family, friendships. Everywhere. How to adapt to change and the stress it may cause, can be taught. Help begins with understanding and identifying stress-based behaviors and teaching the child needed coping skills. Learn how to provide the tools and strategies that empower children to not only adapt to change but thrive and go into the future equipped and strong.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
- Discuss what stress is and the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress and understand the negative impact too much unhealthy stress has on a child.
- Identify specific behaviors that may indicate a child is experiencing unhealthy stress.
- Implement specific tools and strategies for helping children cope with the stress that uncertainty and change may produce.
The Explosive Child (D1.8)
Learn how to understand why some children have explosive behaviors and how to help the child gain control.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Explain why children have extreme behaviors.
Identify what explosive behaviors are.
Explain what causes explosive behaviors (lagging skills) .
Implement specific solution ideas to help the child self-regulate big emotions by developing communication and problem solving skills.
Decoding a Child's Needs (sensory processing) (K2.10)
Children express themselves through the language of behavior. Rather than focusing on the behaviors, learn how to understand the child’s underlying needs and what is really happening for the child. Applying methods for the child to express themselves in positive ways is a win win for the child and the adult.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Explain basic emotional/sensory processing needs of a child.
Discuss ways/activities to help children become aware of their emotions and the vocabulary to express it.
Explain coping skills and appropriate responses to emotions.
Time-In Toolkit (K2.13)
Diversity, Inclusion, Empathy (K1.9)
Learn ways to increase appreciation of differences and similarities in each other within the classroom. Expanding children’s ability to also ‘feel what others feel’ will intrinsically alter behaviors in a positive and more peaceful direction.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Define diversity and give specific examples from their own classroom.
Explain Dr. Clausin’s Strength Based Approach and look at student’s challenges as possible strengths.
Implement the taught tools for raising the child’s ability to empathize with differences and learn the benefit of treating each other with kindness.
Emotionally Healthy Staff
Educators experience an incredible amount of pressure. Pressure from families, administrators, and the students. Pressure to be at your best day in and day out. Also, children need you to be at your best. Unless you take care of yourself, that may be difficult. Learn ways to begin putting yourself first and apply simple ways to keep your emotional health intact and become the best you can be in your job and in your personal life.
Learning Objectives;
Understand and support the connection between staff mental health and effective teaching practice.
DISC: Keys to Understanding Personality
Teacher/ Family Connection: 5 Keys to Effective Communication (K5.1)
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
- Discuss 5 important communication principles to more effectively relate to families, coworkers, and
supervisors, and children. - Explain how to apply these communication principles every day.
- Discuss communication barriers to avoid in order to better connect.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen (K2.4)
As a teacher, do you ever feel like what you say goes in one ear and out the next? Do you ever feel like you are not taken seriously, that the children you teach do not respond to your requests? This course will teach you why children don’t listen, what to do when they don’t, and how to be heard and begin seeing kids’ respond and move forward.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Explain the reasons children don’t listen.
State various solutions that result in children become better listeners evidenced by following directions and completing tasks.
Identify ways to use the power of consequences and cause and effect to create lasting vs temporary change in behavior.
Early Childhood Development (K1.2)
Each stage of childhood development brings a different set of milestones. By understanding what these milestones are, as an early education professional, able to better understand what types of environments children need. Fostering the right environment can help children develop their fullest potential.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Explain the 4 categories of learning for children 2 months-5 years of age.
Identify each developmental milestone included in the 4 categories.
Apply this knowledge to simple yet concrete ways to include in the child’s daily environment.
Off to a Great Start for Infants and Toddlers (K2.2)
Infants and toddlers come with many different personality traits and temperaments. Learn ways to adapt to these unique beings that leads to a connected environment for the children and you while providing a high quality child care program.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Explain 4 key factors necessary for providing a high-quality program for infants and toddlers.
Discuss temperament types in infants and toddlers and how to best adapt to the different types.
Explain how to create an environment of ‘Yes’, one that fosters freedom to grow developmentally.
Build an Engineering Mind in Children
An engineering mind can envision and create using its problem-solving and spatial relation skills. One of the best ways to provide that to early childhood-age children is with the use of many types of blocks. Learn what to provide and the concepts that will be learned. New learning is guaranteed!
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Understand content knowledge – the central concepts, methods and tools of inquiry, and structure—and resources for the academic disciplines in an early childhood curriculum.
Proper Nutrition and Physical Activity (K7.3)
Childcare practitioners will learn nutrition basics for young children along with fun recipes to make for and with children. Also will learn the relationship between physical activity, achievement and behavior.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
Explain what Science has found about the future of our children based on what is commonly eaten and understand why good nutrition/activity is critical.
Discuss nutrition basics specific to young children, along with foods to avoid.
Explain ways to involve children in simple yet fun food preparation ideas, by observing some being created.
Discuss the importance of frequent physical activity and how it impacts achievement and behavior.
Shaken Baby Syndrome & Child Maltreatment
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
- What Shaken Baby Syndrome and Child Maltreatment is.
- Learn possible causes of this trauma.
- Learn specific indicators a child has been shaken/maltreated and what to do.
- Ways to intervene with the family to prevent the occurrence.
Understanding Multiple Intelligences
Learn how to identify and encourage multiple intelligences in early childhood. Eight different intelligences will be described along with ways to apply the learning and enhance the young child’s learning and development.
Learning Objectives
Understand and value each child as an individual with unique developmental variations, experiences, strengths, interests, abilities, challenges, and approaches to learning, and with the capacity to make choices.
Executive Function: What It is and How to Develop
Tackle Teacher Burnout Without Increasing Your Bottom Line (D6.2)
Teacher burn-out is becoming the norm in early childhood education. It doesn’t matter whether you are a in-home provider, a teacher, or a director. A very special person is required, one that is patient, self-disciplined, loving, and has boundless energy. It is not an easy profession and this past year has added so many more unexpected challenges. However, we must find a solution since our early childhood educators are a critical necessity in our communities. Learn several strategies to prevent and minimize burn-out.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
- Discuss and engage staff and self toward understanding and specifically stating why they are in the early childhood education profession….awareness of WHY they do what they do.
- Explain how to determine each teacher’s language of appreciation and implement that knowledge by specifically expressing it uniquely and understand this increases job fulfillment and lessens burn out.
- Discuss how to best support and provide teachers the tools needed in the classroom and for them to personally grow by scheduling regular 1 on 1 check ins.
- Implement the tools provided that clarifies and builds a culture within their center and clearly express these expectations with staff.
3 Simple Ways to Create Buy In From Your Staff (K6.3)
Leaders of child care centers who think they need to take part in all aspects of the center often end up making poor decisions and feeling burned out. Learning how to build a team and make room for teachers to have ownership over their work, frees up a director to focus on growing the business. This results in all having pride in all they do that also leads to minimizing teacher burn out.
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
- Explain how to create a mission statement for their Center with input from all staff.
- Discuss the importance in taking the time to know each teacher and their strengths and passions and their goals by scheduling 1-1 time with each.
- Discuss ways to create space for teachers to have ownership over their work and see you trust them.
- Explain the process of teaching staff to know how to resolve conflict and the importance of a ‘safe’ environment-communication skills.
Become Insanely Productive
Do you feel tired, burned out, and frustrated at the end of your day? Do you ever feel as if you have completed all the tasks you need to complete? Learn how to manage your priorities and become productive and fulfilled!
The Four Agreements
To become the best they can be, Early Childhood Educators must develop from within. Personal development has been shown to increase resiliency and fortitude. The book, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a classic that reveals self-limiting beliefs that hold us back and rob us of joy. This journey of self-awareness will strengthen all staff and administrators. Through reflective activities, the training participant will utilize the information learned during the training.
Learning Objectives
- Use professional communication skills, including technology-mediated strategies, to effectively support young children’s learning and development and to work with families and colleagues.
- Engage in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice.
4 Ways to Show Appreciation in the Workplace and Create a Positive Environment
Studies show the #1 factor in job satisfaction among staff is based on whether they feel appreciated and valued for the work they do. Our world is full of unique challenges. We want teachers to know, that our childcare facility depends on them and their well-being. Not all people speak the same language of appreciation. Learn the 5 ways to show your staff their value and watch productivity, morale, and engagement increase!
Learning Objectives; Student will be able to:
- Use professional communication skills, including technology-mediated strategies, to effectively support young children’s learning and development and to work with families and colleagues.
Develop a Growth Mindset in Educators
Growth Mindset is the belief that abilities can be cultivated. A Fixed Mindset stands in the way of development and change. As educators, it is easy to understand the importance of helping children develop a Growth Mindset but as educators, it is equally important. The opportunity for learning never runs out. Learn how to shift how you see challenges and your own unlimited ability to learn and watch how so many exciting opportunities open for you and for the children you teach.
Learning Objectives;
- Engage in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice.
Developing Leaders Within Your Staff
Childcare Center owners and their Directors have the vision, self-discipline, and conviction to create a Center that best serves families and children. For this to be possible, building leaders around you is necessary. The job is too big to handle it alone. Learn ways to empower and equip those on your staff who are also looking to develop these skills.
Learning Objectives;
- Understand and apply the components of effective program management.
- Understand and implement strategies to support effective staff.
Becoming Better Together: Leadership Training for Teachers
Imagine a Center where everyone works together to become the best that can be. Imagine being the ‘cutting edge’ Center where other teachers want to work, and parents want their children to attend. Imagine knowing each day, you confidently made a difference in the lives of the children you teach.
Becoming Better Together shows ways to cooperatively make that happen! Through reflection activities, participants will apply knowledge learned during this course.
Learning Objectives;
- Use a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate, culturally, and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, evidence-based teaching skills and strategies that reflect the principles of universal learning design.
- Use professional communication skills, including technology-mediated strategies, to effectively support young children’s learning and development and to work with families and colleagues.
- Engage in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice.
Becoming Better Together: Center Transformation Project (K6.9)
Directors, does it ever feel lonely at the ‘top’? Do you wish you knew how to communicate better with your staff that could eliminate apathy, poor attitudes, and never-ending teacher turnover? Instead, imagine less interviewing, less training of new teachers, and having a team of teachers that were fulfilled, motivated, and action-takers. Learn how to create that environment.
Learning Objectives;
Upon completion, the student will be able to:
- Answer these 2 questions: What is Leadership and why is it vital for each member of a staff to have strong leadership skills for an organization to grow and be the best it can be.
- Implement the 5-part model that leads to assessing, visioning, and with the team of teachers, determining solutions with an accountability plan. The 5-part model will take place within:
• The Community
• The Center/Director
• The Parents
• The Children
• The Teachers - Implement the model and see an increased mutual respect among teachers and with Director/Supervisor, from this team cooperation activity, where each teacher is expected and valued to give their input.
- Increase unity, problem-solving skills, leadership skills, and accountability. Teachers feel as if they matter since they are an integral part of the whole process.
Additional Topics
Social Skills for Kids
The 5 Love Languages of Children
Building Resilience & Grit in Children
Social Skills for Kids
Kindergarten Readiness: Academic and Emotional
Teach Children How to Be Organized
S.T.E.A.M. Trainings
Miracle of Nature
Understanding the Life Cycle of Plants
Understanding the Life of Birds
World of Insects
Looking Up to the Sky
Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets
Understanding Night and Day
The Miracle of Rainbows
Our Wonderful Body
The Five Senses
Why Playing with Blocks is So Important
The Art of Observation using Music & Painting
Sample Resources Used for Workshops

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